Monday, June 13, 2011

Date night

Just about every week since we got here, Nathan and I have gone out on a date.  Sometimes to somewhere nice, sometimes just for ice cream.  Either way, we have a great time and talk A LOT!  I think it's so important to have this time together.  We don't need a whole weekend alone, just a few hours to reconnect.  Last night we went to Dairy Queen.  I LOVE that place :)  It's so nice to be able to have a great time and still spend less than $10!  Nathan is such a good sport and would go anywhere with me.  Actually, we were supposed to eat at the galley at the Coast Guard base, but it was closed for remodeling.  It actually worked out better to go to DQ, since I was craving it!  We had a really good talk, smoothed out some rough edges, and planned our next vacation (which I LOVE to do!)  We really have a great relationship and I am so thankful for that.  I love dating my best friend and I love that no matter what issues we face, we can get through it and get closer from it.  I think everyone should date their spouse.  It really is a lot of fun :)

1 comment:

  1. How Fun! We love DQ as well! During my last trimester of pregnancy, we would go at least once or twice A WEEK! Eric just had sympathy cravings. HAHA. That's awesome that you continue with your date nights. Isn't it great to have live-in babysitters?! :)


norton family