Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What was I thinking?!

I had this brilliant idea to stop drinking coffee.  Now I am thinking that was a bad idea!!  I really could have used it this past weekend, and even today to recover from this weekend.  (sigh!) I know I will be glad to be done with it, but I really miss it.  But not drinking it will save money, and calories!!  So I will try to resist the urge for a nice hot cup of Dunkin Doughnuts French Vanilla coffee.  Instead I will drink water (sigh!) Oh well, I will have to just find enjoyment in reading again, and not in my coffee!!  I do think I should have waited another week to quit, this was not the best timing IMO!


  1. There's a difference in giving up coffee and giving up expensive coffee! We rarely go to Dunkin Donuts because we make our coffee at home (or in my case at work). And regular coffee is not that high in calories. I don't use sugar. Anyhow, try tea! :)

  2. I make it at home too, but I like the Dunkin Doughnuts kind :) I don't use sugar, but I use cream. It might not be as many calories as I think it is, maybe I should measure it LOL :)


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