Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bug going around

I don't mean an insect, I mean a virus ;)  We all have some sort of bug, and I am pretty bummed about it!  I had plans to get the whole house all cleaned up while my parents are gone, but right now, I am just not up to it.  I feel a lot better than yesterday, so that is good!  Oh, I also realized that I am out of checks, and the other checks are somewhere outside in the mountain of boxes!!  Worst of all, they are all numbered, and someone (who will remain nameless) lost the notecards I used to tell what was in each box!!  With our luck, that person probably packed it into one of the boxes!!  So we're praying we can either find the checks, or the note cards, quickly!!  Yes, I have to write a few checks because, believe it or not, not all places let you pay online!!  Shocking I know!!!  Anyway, I am putting that chore off until tomorrow though.  I hope I get over this soon. I am meeting a very good friend on Saturday that I haven't seen in like 6 years!!!  I'm so excited!!  Then in Sept. Nate and I are taking a VERY important trip to the middle of nowhere for a VERY important reason!!  So we will be spending our "anniversary" in Oklahoma LOL.  Never thought I would say that sentence!!  Seriously though, I am very excited and the trip can't come soon enough!!  Well, off to get more rest!  Praying we get well soon!

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